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Safecote Liquid Additive

Safecote is a liquid additive to both solid and liquid chlorides. The technology was first used in 1994 in North America and is fully patented for use in the UK and Europe. It is blended from natural, environmentally friendly ingredients, to a consistent specification.

Over 50 councils and maintenance contractors in the UK alone now benefit from this de-icing technology. In addition Safecote Liquid Additive is now being added to liquid chlorides in 8 other European Countries to reduce corrosion and extend the life of chlorides on the road surface. Safecote Liquid Additive has been fully tested by highly respected laboratories such as the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL), Ulster University and Capcis in order to prove its capabilities and application benefits.

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Key Benefits

  • Increased Efficacy
  • Reduces the corrosive effects of Chlorides
  • Improved Distribution
  • Increased Performance
  • Works better for longer
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Frequently Asked Questions

Why would I use the Safecote Liquid Additive?
The Safecote Liquid Additive is used to improve the performance of a solid or liquid de-icer
Do you sell the additive outside the UK?
Yes the product has been used in many countries in Europe for a number of years
What are the main benefits of using the Safecote Liquid additive?
The Liquid Additive reduces spread rates, lowers corrosion, and increases the longevity on the surface
Is the liquid additive chemical based?
No, the Safecote Liquid Additive is completely natural